lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Summery 3

Is about food chain and food web . Food Chain :the path of energy in food from one organism to another.Food web :the overlapping food chains in a community.

Summery 2

Is about the living thing and their environment first,has the ecosystem ,ecology ,abiotic and biotic.Second has the population, community and habitat .And third ,the niche . This are the part of the naturally.

Summery 1

Is about the energy resources are 3energy resourcesthat are the same to me :alternative , geothernal ,biomass. 1.Alternative energy resource is:asource of energy other than the burning of fossil fuel example:Wind energy,water energy, solar energy and geothernal energy .2.geothermal energy:Earth s internal energy.3.biomass:bio is life and mass amount of matter.

Thank You

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


In my street are three types of pollution
they are the air,noise,land pollutions.
This pollution affect me and my family.

land plution:has many rubbish in the floor.

Air pollution: some times in  the air smell bad.

Noise pollution:has a sirius problem with the airplane.

To the land pollution can take with the Alcaldia of Panama.
To the air pollution take with the others neigborhood to stop burn
the rubbish.
To the noise pollution that change the rude of the airplane.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Solar System

THE SOLAR SYSTEM is make about 8 planets. The solar system started in the sun and finish in neptune.

The sun is a hot star. The sun is in the center of the solar sytem.

Is the first planet in the solar system. Is the most smallest planet of solar system.

Is the second planet in the solar system. Venus has natural satellites.

Is the third planet in the solar system. The earth is the only planet that can has living thing.

Is smaller than earth and venus.Mars has two naturals satellites.

at 318 of earth masses.Is 2.5 times the mass of all the planet put together.

Has the second moon of the solar system.The rings of Saturn are made up of ice and rock particles.

Uranus has 27 satellites. Is the lightest of other planet.

Is though slightly smaller than Uranus.And is the last one of the planet.

I learned about the planet . Remember that Pluto no is a planet .

Solar System

THE SOLAR SYSTEM is make of eigth planet that go in inerchia . The eigth planet go around of the sun . The other are mercury, venus, earth, mart, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune.

is the first part of the solar system .Are a star . And is the most important star and hot.


is the first planet of the solar system . Are the smallest of the planet. One year is 88 days. 

is second one of the solar system.